Sustainable buildings

Friday, June 15, 2007

Nuclear is inevitable
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Nuclear power is inevitable
It seems to me that if we in the UK become totally reliant on Gas from Russia and Oil from the Middle East we shall be permanently at risk of supply failure or cost increase.In the short term there are no other forms of energy capable of meeting the nations needs.In the longer term when the world comes to it's senses and stops burning the valuable resource of fossil fuels in heating appliances we shall need to turn to electricity or log fires for warmth.The "Not in my back yard syndrome" when it comes to Nuclear fuel is really rather a nonsence when one studies the location of several French Nuclear reactors placed all along the north coast of France less than 100 miles to the south. If they blow we blow with hem.I know Nuclear is not sustainable but in the short term we are going to need to use this source of energy.OK there are risks and problems but in life dont you find that when you start fiddling with a problem you most often find an answer. If we bannish un safe Nuclear will we ever find safe nuclear?Does anyone out there have an opinion on this.
posted by AET Flexible Space at 7:12 AM 1 comments
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Name: Glan Blake Thomas
Location: East Grinstead, West Sussex, GB
My name is Glan Blake Thomas and I am a Chartered Engineer and a member of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers in London. and a member of the British Council for Offices ( I have been dedicated to Building Engineering Services for over 30 years having worked as a consulting engineer for more than 15 years. I established AET in 1993 and over these 13 years have worked on exciting and important projects all over the world which now extend to over 2 million sq m of served space.
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Nuclear power is inevitable
August 2006
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  • 1 Comment - Show Original Post

    Rob Blyth said...
    Glan, I agree with your sentiments entirely.

    It came home to me in the early 1970's that Oil is a finite resource when they said it will run out in 20 years.
    Well it didn't because we managed to open wells in more inhospitable places around the globe. Sure as eggs is eggs though it WILL RUN OUT and quicker now that India and China are growing at such a rate.
    Re-useable energy will help but can never fully supply our needs so we must go nuclear.
    It is a pity that UK is no longer a leader in nuclear technology with people with the necessary skills.
    C'est la vie... we will have to look to the French to help us. Time is fast running out if we are to build and commission the necessary reactors.

    3:50 AM

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:21 pm  

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